Magnar Storbækken who will perform and have workshops at the in New York in May 2014. One of Magnar's horns (a real "ram's horn" /"goat horn"!) is played on the soundtrack to the Disney film FROST, which at the moment tops the U.S. Billboard charts.
Glory for Disney's "Norwegian" Adventure
Disney's "Frozen", in which a winter animated Norwegian landscape plays a huge part, was nominated for two Golden Globe awards.
Trapped in an eternal winter world, the two main characters in “Frozen” fight to bring back summer. The movie is now picked as one of the candidates in the Best Animated Film category on the 71st edition of Golden Globe Award in Los Angeles on January 12th. "Frozen", competing with "The Croods" and "Despicable Me 2" for the glory, is also nominated in the Best Original Song category with Idina Menzel's track "Let it Go".
To create a convincing frozen landscape, Disney’s animators did their research, which included visits to a place that knows a lot about ice and snow: Norway. As a result, famous Norwegian sites, such as the wooden buildings on the Bergen waterfront and Oslo’s Akershus Fortress, find their way into the winter world of the new movie.
Trolls, lutefisk and the Northern Lights also make appearances in the film, according to Norwegian broadcasters NRK. The main characters have Norwegian names such as Sven, Anna and Olaf.
See the actors and producers talking about the Norwegian influence here.
Norwegian actor Thorbjørn Harr, who did voice work for the Norwegian version, is pleased to see that movies are bringing Norwegian nature to the world. “I think the Norwegian movie industry as a whole has wanted to use movies to promote the country to a larger extent. This is very good,” he told NRK.
The movie premiered in the United States the day before Thanksgiving. "Frozen" sold tickets for $93 million after the five-day holiday weekend, taking the Thanksgiving-debut record from 1999 classic "Toy Story 2", according to Box Office Mojo.
"Frozen" premiers in Norway (where it is called “Frost”) on Christmas Day.
A Scandinavian Gallery in New York
The gallery is located in the Norwegian Seamen's Church in New York.
Vissit: Trygve Lie Gallery Address: |
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Trygve Lie Gallery was established to contribute to the promotion of Norwegian, Norwegian-American and Scandinavian art to a broad audience in the city of New York.
On September 19th 2003, the Norwegian Ambassador to the US, Knut Vollebæk, officially opened the new Gallery at a private reception.
The Inaugural Exhibition - Norwegian Artists in New York - took place February 2004 with H. E. Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations and Mrs. Annan as guests of honor.
Royal visit
Their Majesties King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway visiting Trygve Lie Gallery.
Photo: Thomas Nilsson/VG
Trygve Lie served as Norwegian Foreign minister during the critical years of the Norwegian government in exile in London from 1940 to 1945. From 1946 to 1952 he was the first Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Edvard Munch’s iconic The Scream is among the most celebrated and recognized images in art history. The Scream is the popular name given to each of four versions of a composition, created as both paintings and pastels, by the Expressionist Norwegian artist Edvard Munch between 1893 and 1910.
The landscape in the background is the Oslofjord, viewed from Ekeberg, Oslo, Norway.
The fourth version (pastel, 1895) was sold for $119,922,600 at Sotheby's Impressionist and Modern art auction on 2 May 2012 to financier Leon Black, the highest nominal price paid for a painting at auction.[4] The painting is on display in the Museum of Modern Art in New York for six months from October 2012 to March 2013. (The Card Players by Paul Cézanne was sold privately in 2011 for between $250 and 300 million.[5])
Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53rd Street
10019 New York, NY
Tlf: +1 (212) 708-9400
FRIKAR Dance Company is a meeting place for the best professional freelancers within folk dance and contemporary dance in Norway
FRIKAR opened its own academy in 2008 in order to give talents in acrobatic performing arts professional training. The autumn of 2012 the academy starts up a 3 years elite sports programme in acrobatic dances.
The academy is also giving workshops in Norway and abroad. 4 of the students have joined the company and performed in 14 countries.
Join dance classes with Frikar in 2013 here in New York City. Contact Maya’s School of Performing Arts for more informations
FRIKAR dance company :: Official site
Hallgrim Hansegård
“Wildly Inventive, thrilling full performance.”
“Maybe the most outstanding and inspiring artist at Bergen International Festival…”
“New-thinking choreographer with a strong will to do his own thing and blessedly uninhibited as far as exceeding boundaries is concerned”
FRIKAR dance company with Norway`s new pop star Alexander Rybak win the semifinals for Eurovision 2009 Norway with his tune "Fairytale". Music by Alexander Rybak, choreography by Hallgrim Hansegård.
More info at
The Nobel Peace Prize for 2012 was awarded to the European Union (EU).
In its announcement of this year’s award, the Norwegian Nobel Committee draws attention to the fact that the stabilising role played by the EU has helped to transform most of Europe from a continent of war to a continent of peace.
“Today’s announcement is clear recognition of the significance of the EU for ensuring lasting stability and security in Europe,” Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said.
The Nobel Peace Prize is presented in Oslo on 10 December every year.
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
was awarded to U.S.
The Nobel Committee said President Obama won it for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples".
The committee highlighted Mr Obama's efforts to support international bodies and promote nuclear disarmament.
The Nobel Committee's decision drew mixed reactions from US commentators and editorial writers across the political spectrum while the response from U.S. allies was generally positive.
Obama accepted the prize in Oslo on the December 10, 2009. In a 36-minute speech, he discussed the tensions between war and peace and the idea of a "just war".
Moods of Norway, the Norwegian brand known for its colorful suits, is opening its second US store in September 2012 in New York’s SoHo neighborhood.
NEW YORK—Moods of Norway, the Norwegian brand known for its colorful suits, is opening its second US store in September 2012, in New York’s SoHo neighborhood. The 2,300 sq. ft. store at 75 Greene Street will officially open for Fashion’s Night Out on Thursday, September 7.
“I am thrilled that Moods is opening a retail destination in the most important fashion market in the US, if not the world,” commented the brand’s US CEO George Santacroce. “This is the first step of our national roll-out of freestanding Moods branded retail locations that will bring this innovative, refreshingly fun-loving brand to the American market.”
Moods of Norway founders Stefan Dalhkvist, Simen Staalnacke and Peder Børresen added in a statement, “It’s been a dream of ours to share our happy clothes with the happy people of New York, do the hibbedy-dibbedy as often as possible in The Big Apple, and most importantly, to make our Grandmas proud.”
Moods of Norway, which was founded in 2003 in the small town of Stryn, designed the Norwegian team’s uniforms for the 2012 Summer Olympics. The brand offers menswear and women’s wear in a range of categories including tailored clothing, sportswear and accessories.
Kom Leikros, Kom Bleikros, KoM fefru, mi ku!
Kom Kveldros, Kom Fjeeros, kom gjevaste du.
Every beautiful Norwegian milk maid has her own song called "kulokk". To call the cows home the milk maids sing their "kulokk" across the mountains. She calls her cows by name (the most popular cows name in Norway is Dagros) and tells them how pretty they are (cause every girl loves a compliment. Even a cow). Try it out!
Call in the cows, it's cocktail time!